Social and Environmental
Research Institute
Researching discursive approaches to policy and social relations to the environment and the practical gains provided by theory to realize concrete benefits to individuals, society, and the environment
News and Announcements
Research Themes
Public Participation and Decision Making
The Institute conducts research on public participation in environmental and risk assessment and decision-making at all stages of policy processes, including design, research, decision making, implementation, and evaluation.
Climate Change and Environmental Change: Driving Forces, Vulnerability, Mitigation, and Adaptation
The Institute's research related to climate change investigates driving forces, vulnerability, mitigation, and adaptation. Our research on environmental change has touched on a variety of policy domains, including management of coastal ecosystems, marine fisheries and aquaculture, and wildland fire.
Current and Featured Projects
Human Dimensions of Risk and Environment
The Institute's research on the human dimensions of risk explores the ways that social and institutional factors affect the risks from hazardous technologies.
Current and Featured Projects
Nuclear Waste Management
The Institute conducts research on nuclear waste management policy, including both commercial spent nuclear fuel and military high level wastes.
Current and Featured Projects